Archive for June 2023

Human Rights and Ethical Lawyering: The Need for a Lawyer’s Hippocratic Oath

Human Rights and Ethical Lawyering: The Need for a Lawyer’s Hippocratic Oath

By: Caitlin Parets, Scarlett Del Giudice Boyer, & Jenik Radon

Lawyers around the world are bound by codes of ethics designed to protect the legal profession and the individuals it serves, but lawyers need a Hippocratic Oath. Rooted in antiquity and still professed today by medical practitioners, modern iterations of the Hippocratic Oath include promises not only to use one’s medical knowledge to the best of one’s ability but also to “not use [one’s] medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties.” [. . .] Lawyers would benefit from a similar ethical consideration for human rights because sometimes simply following the law does not sufficiently capture ethical practices. The wisdom of Emmanuel Lulin, a lawyer and the Chief Ethics Officer for L’Oréal, sums it up beautifully: “Ethics is not about obeying the law. Ethics is about adhering to shared values. . . . Because very often things can be lawful but awful.” [. . .]

The 2022 Global Energy Crisis: Yet Another Opportunity Missed by the EU?

The 2022 Global Energy Crisis: Yet Another Opportunity Missed by the EU?

By Andra Tofan, Oscar Zou, & Jenik Radon

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, an energy powerhouse, has woken the EU up to the inevitable truth that (over)dependence on other countries’ supplies based on mere economic necessity is not only unwise but risky in the long run. As the European Commission’s President Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen declared, “[t]he European Union has therefore decided to . . . turn towards more reliable, trustworthy partners.” Two questions naturally arise. First, what does “reliable and trustworthy” mean? Second, how do we ensure partners stay “reliable and trustworthy” in the long run? [. . .]